teach one.
heal many.
Millions around the globe don't have access to quality surgical care.
We close this gap by delivering
medical education where it’s needed the most.
Physicians for Peace
We train and mentor healthcare workers
serving low-resourced communities worldwide,
expanding their skillsets and surgical knowledge base
to meet their patients' needs.
healthcare providers have received PFP training
since 2012
hours given by
our healthcare volunteers
since 2012

hospitalized burn patients/year
benefit by trained healthcare providers.
patients have received direct clinical care from PFP volunteers and scholars since 2012
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More than two-thirds of the world's population, don't have reliable access to safe, effective, and affordable surgical and anesthetic care.
By investing in medical education and a well-trained healthcare workforce, communities can benefit from improved surgical services, reduced morbidity and mortality rates, and better overall health outcomes.
By collaborating with
like-minded organizations and individuals like you,
we train medical professionals and
fund the capacity of medical partner institutions,
to create sustainable change.
We provide and facilitate education, training, and mentorship to current and future health practitioners, to expand their skillsets and knowledge, so they can meet the health needs of individuals and society.
Through strong partnerships with medical facilities located in the countries where we work,
we improve their delivery of care, encourage dissemination of knowledge, and shape practices and policies that improve the health of their communities.
Direct Clinical Care
Through financial support,
we ensure our in-country medical partners provide essential surgical services
to patients in need.

We Restore and Save Lives
We partner with medical facilities & providers worldwide, working within available resources to address locally identified needs and close chronic healthcare gaps.
We Promote Lasting Solutions
Our "teach one, heal many" model empowers trainees to become trainers in their countries & regions, reducing the need for outside educators.
We Build Healthier Communities
Our work has a profound positive effect on healthcare workers, hospitals and clinics—and in turn on patients, their families, and communities.
We Optimize Impact
Our cost-effective model means one top-tier volunteer medical educator can make an exponential impact on many trainees and many more patients.
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